Marine Bunker Supply

ACTIVE SHIP MANAGEMENT provides a comprehensive marine bunker supply service, ensuring that vessels have access to high-quality fuel and lubricants to power their operations. Here are some key points about this service:

  • Fuel sourcing: They source high-quality fuel from reputable suppliers, ensuring that all fuel meets the required standards and specifications.

  • Competitive pricing: They offer competitive pricing for all fuel and lubricant products, ensuring that ship owners and operators can access the supplies they need at a cost-effective price.

  • Timely delivery: They ensure that all fuel and lubricant products are delivered to the vessel in a timely and efficient manner, coordinating with port authorities and transportation providers to ensure that the products are delivered on time and in good condition.

  • Quality control: They have a team of experienced professionals who oversee the entire bunker supply process, including inspection and testing of all products to ensure that they meet the required quality standards.

  • Compliance: They ensure that all fuel and lubricant products meet the relevant environmental and safety regulations, ensuring that ships operate in compliance with international standards and regulations.

  • Customer support: Their customer support team is available 24/7 to assist with any issues or concerns related to bunker supply, ensuring that the ship’s crew has access to all the essential fuel and lubricant products they need for their operations.

Marine bunker fuel is a type of fuel that is used to power marine vessels. There are several types of marine bunker fuel, each with its own unique properties and characteristics. Here are some details about the different types of marine bunker fuel:

  1. Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO): HFO is the most commonly used marine bunker fuel. It is a residual fuel that is produced by the refining process, and it has a high viscosity and sulfur content. It is less expensive than other types of marine fuel, but it also emits high levels of pollutants and is subject to environmental regulations.

  2. Marine Gas Oil (MGO): MGO is a type of marine fuel that is lighter and cleaner than HFO. It has a lower sulfur content and emits fewer pollutants, making it a more environmentally friendly option. However, it is also more expensive than HFO.

  3. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG): LNG is a type of natural gas that is cooled to a liquid state for transportation and storage. It is a clean-burning fuel that emits fewer pollutants than HFO or MGO, making it a popular choice for environmentally conscious ship operators. However, it requires specialized storage and handling facilities, and it is currently more expensive than other types of marine fuel.

  4. Methanol: Methanol is a liquid fuel that is made from natural gas or renewable resources. It is a clean-burning fuel that emits low levels of pollutants, making it an attractive option for environmentally friendly ships. However, it is still relatively new to the marine fuel market and requires specialized infrastructure for storage and handling.

    Overall, ACTIVE SHIP MANAGEMENT’s marine bunker supply service offers a reliable, efficient, and cost-effective solution for ship owners and operators who are looking to ensure that their vessels have access to high-quality fuel and lubricants to power their operations

Marine lubricating oils, or marine lube oils, are specialized oils that are used to reduce friction and wear in marine engines and machinery. There are several types of marine lube oils, each with its own unique properties and characteristics. Here are some details about the different types of marine lube oils:

  1. Mineral-based oils: Mineral-based oils are made from crude oil and are the most commonly used type of marine lube oil. They provide good lubrication and are suitable for use in a wide range of marine engines and machinery. They are also relatively inexpensive and widely available.

  2. Synthetic-based oils: Synthetic-based oils are made from chemical compounds and offer superior performance compared to mineral-based oils. They have better lubrication properties, higher resistance to high temperatures and oxidation, and better low-temperature fluidity. However, they are more expensive than mineral-based oils.

  3. Bio-based oils: Bio-based oils are made from renewable resources such as vegetable oils and animal fats. They are biodegradable and have low toxicity, making them an environmentally friendly option. However, they are still relatively new to the market and may not be suitable for all types of marine engines and machinery.

  4. Cylinder oils: Cylinder oils are a specific type of marine lube oil that is used to lubricate the cylinders in two-stroke marine diesel engines. They are specialized oils that have a high alkalinity to neutralize acidic combustion products that can cause engine wear.

The choice of marine lube oil will depend on various factors, including the type of engine, the operating conditions, and the manufacturer’s recommendations. ACTIVE SHIP MANAGEMENT can assist ship owners and operators in selecting the appropriate marine lube oil for their vessels, based on their specific needs and requirements.